At The Barn at Lees Farm, we believe in business done sustainably, from being environmentally friendly, to where we shop and how we shop, our amenities, onsite bio diversity and our overall impact on the world around us.

We are constantly reassessing how we can improve on our current policy for example swapping consumables for more Eco alternatives.

We have produced the below info-graphic to give you an idea of what we currently do.

We try to do as much as we can and encourage local travel by offering discounts to those in TF and SY postcodes, we also offer a discount to those travelling by train or bicycle. Please get in touch for more details.


Whilst we do not currently have an dedicated EV charging point, we do have external sockets that you can use for overnight charging at a cost of £10, there are also a number close by. Please head over to the “Bits and Bobs of Information page” for a ZAPMAP. You will also find information regarding trains, buses and local cycling route to The Barn at Lees Farm.  A discount will be given to those arriving on foot, by bike or public transport.

Our Policy – Should you with to receive a copy via email, please get in touch;

The definition of Eco – Tourism and to which The Barn at Lees Farm holds itself accountable.

‘Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people”

Our policy is to frequently review, update and improve on the points stated below.

1) Travel to natural destinations.

The Barn at Lees Farm has been sympathetically renovated so that very little has changed from when it stood as the original barn for Lees Farm. All materials were recycled, reused or materials were sourced locally from the reclamation yard. The land around the barn has been planted and rewilded to optimise biodiversity and ensure the barn sits naturally within the Ironbridge Gorge UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2) Minimise impact.

When renovating, this was done with nature at the forefront. Bat boxes and a bat loft were installed, no building features were filled and continue to provide nesting for birds and bats. External lighting is within advised ranges, with short sensor times for security lights. Airsource heating was installed. Rainwater harvester and sewerage treatment plant. We continue to monitor our impact and ensure maintenance is regular and we review our impact. All chemicals/products are bought in bulk and are environmentally friendly. If you would like a list of the products we use, please get in touch.

3) Build environmental awareness.

Everything we do to improve our impact on the surrounding area and wider environment is shared with our guests and on social media, from installing our pond, rewilding, recycling, refilling, swaps etc. I am part of the Airbnb Community Board working on green issues and am also part of the Zero Carbon Shropshire (SCAP) group working together to gain Net Zero. I will be on the Tourism working party. I signpost local events/groups and activities through social media, my website and durectly with guests.

4) Provide financial benefits for local people.

I shop locally and support local businesses, providing maps, events, and recommendations to guests. Encouraging guests to stay local, to walk to local destinations. I provided discounts guests who are for local, living within T&W and Shropshire and those arriving by train, on foot or bike.

5) Respect local culture.

Being located at the heart of the World Heritage Site, we are conscious of the rich history locally, we respect local culture and welcome all with no discrimination, providing a safe and relaxing space.

The Barn at Lees Farm has recently undergone assessment for a Green Tourism Award. I am very pleased to announce that we received a Gold.

The Barn at Lees Farm has signed the Zero Carbon Shropshire Pledge, both as a business and individually.

You can find out more information by visiting their website below.

I am part of the working party for tourism and have been part of a group of nine local businesses to partake in a workshop with ZCS & The Centre for Alternative Technology.

Zero Carbon Shropshire



Cool Shropshire & Telford – Registered Business

Cool Shropshire and Telford is an online sustainability platform designed specifically for businesses operating in the region.

It involves registering and completing a simple two-step process which aims to help businesses understand their environmental impact and set some goals to reduce it over the coming year.

Although emphasis is placed on encouraging businesses to calculate and submit their carbon footprint, the scheme covers a range of environmental aspects (energy and water use, transport, procurement, nature and biodiversity etc) to ensure all positive actions are captured and opportunities identified.


Carbon Literacy: Knowledge – Certification


We also a support the West Midlands Net Zero Business Pledge.

If you would like to stay at The Barn at Lees Farm, please click on the link below.

Book to stay

Our Sustainability Feedback Questionnaire – Please get in touch if you would like a copy sent as a PDF

Our Climate Risk Assessment – Every year we are hearing how climate change is impacting the world around us. We often look at this as being a problem further afield, droughts, flooding, forest fires. However, these climate issues affect us here on our doorstep. The Ironbridge Gorge resides on the banks of the mighty River Severn and we see the flooding impact local businesses, homeowners, tourism etc more every year. Each year we review what can be done here at The Barn at Lees Farm to improve things, for example installing a large pond to catch excess water in turn creating a bio-diversity rich environment. The previous year I discovered and re-instated an old culvert, redirecting overflowing spring water and in turn creating a natural catch pit in heavy rain. Please see below our Climate Risk Assessment, I am happy to send a copy should you wish. During the time of recent flooding, many houses were evacuated, I offered The Annex to those seeking temporary accommodation.


If you have a little minute, please do watch this video.